Friday, March 13, 2009

Assignment #43

Assignment#43:Make an Exhibition of the art in your parent's house

This will be an online exhibition, existing as a slide-show on the site. Take pictures of your parents art. This is the art you grew up with -- that picture that has always hung above the toilet, the abstract print that confused you as a child, the statuette of an angel -- art so familiar that you might not even think of it as art. But it is! And it shaped your vision of reality. Your photos should include a little bit of the surrounding area, a bit of the wall or table the art is on. Number the photo files and supply us with a corresponding numbered list of one-sentence descriptions of how you viewed this as a child (Did you like it? Or, how did it make you feel?) ACCEPT THIS ASSIGNMENTEvery submission must include the following: NAME (as you'd like it to appear on the website) and LOCATION (where you are from). Submissions missing these details will not be posted. D O C U M E N T A T I O N > Send in from three to five images and the corresponding text. Send us your work using either our UPLOAD PAGE or via email EMAIL .

Ashley Clark, Location: My house, Chattanooga, Tn
We never had art on the walls when I was growing up. I grew up with plain white walls, a small daybed, and hand-me-downs. All of these pieces were aqcuired in the last few years. My mom had a decorator come in and furnish us with all of this fancy stuff. All this said to me was that she had the money to make our house look like a museum. I never even notice that they are there. The majority of them are portraits of canines and horses doing what canines and horses do. It's pretty sad to me that I don't take notice of any of these works. I think it's mostly because they weren't painted or picked out for a specific purpose. My mom just said "Find something pretty that will fill up the space." So, unfortunately none of these ever puzzled me as a child. They sort of just puzzle me now. Why do we need these? Couldn't we do something better with the money, or pick out something we actually like, something that means something to us?

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