Choose a particular age you have been, perhaps a time when you were particularly lost. Write out a list of practical advice to yourself at that age. Begin the list with this header: "Advice To Michelle Cambell at Sixteen" (only use your name and whatever age you want.) You must specify the age that you are giving yourself advice to!! Be very specific with your advice, for example, don't just say "Hold on to your heart," but instead say "Don't go out with Kevin, he will eventually cheat on you. Go out with Jake instead, he is actually cooler." If you need to use fake names go ahead. It is easy to say that everything happens for a reason, but take this opportunity to redirect yourself towards what you think might have been better. Sure everything turned out ok, but maybe you should have quit that job five years earlier, maybe you should have had children when you were 27, maybe you should have flossed, maybe you should have gone to the alternative high school, or not said that thing to your best friend. Tell yourself what to do in clear, specific language. Do not write an essay, make it in list form. ACCEPT THIS ASSIGNMENTEvery submission must include the following: NAME (as you'd like it to appear on the website) and LOCATION (where you are from). Submissions missing these details will not be posted.
Advice to Ashley Clark at age 16:
- Speak up, no one will know who you are if you have nothing to say.
- Don't worry what other people think of you, you do that too much. Just worry about what God thinks of you, and what you think of yourself.
- Don't lie, you aren't good at it anyway. Your parents will always find the truth.
- Go out and date some. Make some new friends. You only live once. Make the most of it.
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